An agreement between the ECU Medical & Health Sciences Foundation and Vidant Health Foundation has been signed and executed, creating the ECU Health Foundation. The two entities will align to operate as one philanthropic arm supporting ECU Health and ECU’s health sciences campus. The alignment follows the joint operating agreement between East Carolina University’s Brody School of Medicine and then-Vidant Health that has been in place for more than a year, enabling the organizations to create ECU Health and work together to improve health care delivery to the 1.4 million residents of eastern North Carolina.
Under the agreement, the two foundations will remain separate legal entities, but will integrate under a new, shared brand known as ECU Health Foundation. The ECU Health Foundation was created to align the fundraising and stewardship operations of the ECU Medical & Health Sciences Foundation and the Vidant Health Foundation in order to boost philanthropic support for ECU Health, the ECU Schools and Colleges of the health sciences, and Laupus Library.